Hello Beautiful !
ALL SKIN TYPESWith its creamy, non-greasy consistency, the anti-wrinkle serum absorbsquickly and provides a deep and lasting skin firming action.IT WORKS BECAUSE IT CONTAINSCOMBINATION OF HYALURONIC ACIDS, including Ultra FillingSpheres, with different molecular weights to ensure a multi-levelhydration which even reaches the deepest layers of the epidermis, aswell as an effective wrinkle-filling effect.Helps keep skin smooth, supple and taut.TIMECODE®, an active ingredient that targets the extra-cellular matrix,visibly minimising fine lines and wrinkles.GATULINE® EXPRESSION combats the onset of new laughter linesand reduces the visibility of existing lines.POLYLIFT® combats loss of skin tone and elasticity and staves off thetell-tale signs of aging.